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Programming Languages

Certificate Course in C Language

Course description The course fully covers the basics of programming in the “C” programming language and demonstrates fundamental programming techniques, customs and vocabulary including the most common library functions and the usage of the preprocessor. Learning objectives To familiarize the trainee with basic concepts of computer programming and developer tools. To present the syntax and semantics of the “C” language as well as data types offered by the language To allow the trainee to write their own programs using standard language infrastructure regardless of the hardware or software platform Course outline Introduction to compiling and software development Basic scalar data types and their operators Flow control Complex data types: arrays, structures and pointers Structuring the code: functions and modules Preprocessing source code
Absolute basics Languages: natural and artificial Machine languages High-level programming languages Obtaining the machine code: compilation process Recommended readings Your first program Variable – why? Integer values in real life and in “C”, integer literals
Data types
Floating point values in real life and in “C”, float literals Arithmetic operators Priority and binding Post- and pre -incrementation and -decrementation Operators of type op= Char type and ASCII code, char literals Equivalence of int and char data Comparison operators Conditional execution and if keyword printf() and scanf() functions: absolute basics Flow control Conditional execution continued: the “else” branch More integer and float types Conversions – why? Typecast and its operators Loops – while, do and for Controlling the loop execution – break and continue Logical and bitwise operators
Switch: different faces of ‘if’ Arrays (vectors) – why do you need them? Sorting in real life and in a computer memory Initiators: a simple way to set an array Pointers: another kind of data in “C” An address, a reference, a dereference and the sizeof operator Simple pointer and pointer to nothing (NULL) & operator Pointers arithmetic Pointers vs. arrays: different forms of the same phenomenon Using strings: Basic functions dedicated to string manipulation Memory management and structures The meaning of array indexing The usage of pointers: perils and disadvantages Void type Arrays of arrays and multidimensional arrays Memory allocation and deallocation: malloc() and free() functions Arrays of pointers vs. multidimensional arrays Structures – why? Declaring, using and initializing structures Pointers to structures and arrays of structures Basics of recursive data collections Functions
Functions – why? How to declare, define and invoke a function Variables' scope, local variables and function parameters Pointers, arrays and structures as function parameters Function result and return statement Void as a parameter, pointer and result Parameterzing the main function External function and the extern declarator Header files and their role
Files and streams
Files vs. streams: where does the difference lie? Header files needed for stream operations
FILE structure
Opening and closing a stream, open modes, errno variable Reading and writing to/from a stream Predefined streams: stdin, stdout and stderr Stream manipulation: fgetc(), fputc(), fgets() and fputs() functions Raw input/output: fread() and fwrite() functions Preprocessor and complex declarations Preprocessor – why? #include: how to make use of a header file #define: simple and parameterized macros #undef directive Predefined preprocessor symbols Macro operators: # and ## Conditional compilation: #if and #ifdef directives Avoiding multiple compilations of the same header files Scopes of declarations, storage classes User defined types-why? Pointers to functions Analyzing and creating complex declarations

Certificate Course in C++ Language

What is C++? Why C++? C and C++ Exception Handling Object Oriented Programming Standard Template Library
Types and declarations
Types Booleans Integer Types Floating-Point Types Sizes Void Enumerations Declarations
Pointers, Arrays and Structures
Pointers Arrays Pointers into Arrays Constants References Pointers to void Structures
Expressions and Statements
A Deck Calculator Operator Summary Statement Summary Comments and Indentation
Function Declarations Argument Passing Value Return Overloaded Function Names Default Arguments Pointer to Function Macros
Namespaces and Exceptions
Namespaces Exceptions
Source Files and Programs
Separate Compilation Linkage Using Header Files Programs
Classes Access Control Constructors Member functions Static members Destructors Memory allocation Member initialization
Operator overloading
Introduction Operator Functions A Complete Number Type Conversion Operators Friends Large Objects Essential Operators Subscripting Functions Calls Dereferencing Increment and Decrement A String Class
Derived class
Introduction Derived Classes Abstract Classes Design of Class Hierarchies Class Hierarchies and Abstract Classes

Certificate Course in Core Java and Advance Java

Programming language Types and Paradigms, Computer Programming Hierarchy, How Computer Architecture Affects a Language ? , Why Java ? ,Flavors of Java, Java Designing Goal, Role of Java Programmer in Industry, Features of Java Language, JVM –The heart of Java , Java’s Magic Bytecode.
The Java Environment:
Installing Java, Java Program Development , Java Source File Structure ,Compilation, Executions.
Basic Language Elements:
Lexical Tokens, Identifiers, Keywords, Literals, Comments ,Primitive Datatypes, Operators Assignments.
Object Oriented Programming
Class Fundamentals , Object & Object reference , Object Life time & Garbage Collection, Creating and Operating Objects , Constructor & initialization code block, Access Control, Modifiers, methods Nested , Inner Class &Anonymous Classes ,Abstract Class & Interfaces Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism , Method Overloading, Recursion, Dealing with Static Members, Finalize() Method, Native Method. Use of “this “ reference, Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods, Design of Accessors and Mutator Methods Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning, Generic Class Types.
Extending Classes and Inheritance
Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP, Types of Inheritance in Java, Inheriting Data members and Methods , Role of Constructors in inheritance , Overriding Super Class Methods ,Use of “super” , Polymorphism in inheritance ,Type Compatibility and Conversion Implementing interfaces.
Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages , Package as Access Protection , Defining Package ,CLASSPATH Setting for Packages , Making JAR Files for Library Packages Import and Static Import Naming Convention For Packages.
Exception Handling:
The Idea behind Exception ,Exceptions & Errors ,Types of Exception ,Control Flow In Exceptions, JVM reaction to Exceptions ,Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling ,In-built and User Defined Exceptions, Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions.
Array & String :
Defining an Array, Initializing & Accessing Array, Multi –Dimensional Array, Operation on String, Mutable & Immutable String, Using Collection Bases Loop for String, Tokenizing a String, Creating Strings using StringBuffer .
Thread :
Understanding Threads , Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming ,Thread Life-Cycle, Thread Priorities ,Synchronizing Threads, Inter Communication of Threads ,Critical Factor in Thread –DeadLock,
A Collection of Useful Classes
Utility Methods for Arrays ,Observable and Observer Objects , Date & Times ,Using Scanner Regular Expression, Input/Output Operation in Java( Package),Streams and the new I/O Capabilities ,Understanding Streams, The Classes for Input and Output, The Standard Streams, Working with File Object, File I/O Basics, Reading and Writing to Files, Buffer and Buffer Management, Read/Write Operations with File Channel, Serializing Objects .
GUI Programming
Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java, Components and Containers, Basics of Components, Using Containers, Layout Managers, AWT Components, Adding a Menu to Window, Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components, Java Utilities (java.util Package) The Collection Framework : Collections of Objects , Collection Types, Sets , Sequence, Map, Understanding Hashing, Use of ArrayList & Vector.
Event Handling
Event-Driven Programming in Java, Event- Handling Process, EventHandling Mechanism, The Delegation Model of Event Handling, Event Classes, Event Sources, Event Listeners, Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling.
Database Programming using JDBC
Introduction to JDBC,JDBC Drivers & Architecture, CURD operation Using JDBC, Connecting to non-conventional Databases.

Certificate Course in Python Language

Introduction to Python: Process of Computational Problem Solving, Python Programming Language Data and Expressions: Literals, Variables and Identifiers, Operators, Expressions, Statements and Data Types Control Structures: Boolean Expressions (Conditions), Logical Operators, Selection Control, Nested conditions, Debugging Lists: List Structures, Lists (Sequences) in Python, Iterating Over Lists (Sequences) in Python Functions: Fundamental Concepts, Program Routines, Flow of Execution, Parameters & Arguments Iteration: While statement, Definite loops using For, Loop Patterns, Recursive Functions, Recursive Problem Solving, Iteration vs. Recursion Dictionaries: Dictionaries and Files, Looping and dictionaries, Advanced text parsing Files: Opening Files, Using Text Files, String Processing, Exception Handling Objects and Their Use: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Modular Design: Modules, Top-Down Design, Python Modules Using Databases and SQL: Database Concepts, SQLite Manager Firefox Add-on, SQL basic summary, Basic Data modelling, Programming with multiple tables

Certificate Course in C#.Net

MS.NET Framework Introduction The .NET Framework - an Overview Framework Components Framework Versions Types of Applications which can be developed using MS.NET MS.NET Base Class Library MS.NET Namespaces MSIL / Metadata and PE files. The Common Language Runtime (CLR) Managed Code MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection Common Type System (CTS) Common Language Specification (CLS) Types of JIT Compilers Security Manager
VS.NET and Entry Point Method –Main Introduction to Project and Solution in Studio Entry point method - Main. Compiling and Building Projects Using Command Line Arguments Importance of Exit code of an application Different valid forms of Main Compiling a C# program using commandline utility CSC.EXE
C # Language Syntax Why Datatypes Global, Stack and Heap Memory Common Type System Reference Type and Value Type Datatypes & Variables Declaration Implicit and Explicit Casting Checked and Unchecked Blocks – Overflow Checks Casting between other datatypes Boxing and Unboxing Enum and Constant Operators Control Statements
Working with Arrays Working with Methods Pass by value and by reference and out parameters Misc…
Learning about Class, Object, Component, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism & Object Creation and Instantiation.
OOPs-Programming Encapsulation
 Understanding Encapsulation Concept through an example.
OOPs-Inheritance Introduction to Inheritance Constructor & Inheritance Type Casting of Reference Types Static and Dynamic Binding Abstract Class
OOPs-Interface & Polymorphism What is Polymorphism Overview of Interface Interface with examples Types of Inheritance
Collections and Generics Introducing Collections . Benefits of Collection Classes . Understanding and using commonly used collections. Generics Advantages of Generics . How Generics Work at Runtime . Constraint on Type Parameters . Generic Methods Generic Collections Selecting a Collection Class
Assemblies and GAC What is a DLL and how is it different from EXE Types of DLL What is an Assembly Assemblies How to build a ClassLibrary? How to use a ClassLibrary in another Application? What is Namespace? Internal Access Specifier Types of Assemblies Global Assembly Cache
Exception Handling Defining Exception Understandings try and catch keywords Using “finally” block “using” statement Throwing exceptions Creating User defined/Custom Exception class.
IO Streams What is a streams? Types of Stream Standard I/O Streams  Console Handling text in files Dealing with Binary files Serialization / Deserialization
Unsafe Code
Reflection and Attributes What is Reflection? Using Reflection to read type information Attributes. Pre-defined Attributes Custom Attributes. Using Reflection to read custom attributes
More on Classes
Operator Overloading Partial Classes and Methods Anonymous Types Extension Methods Tuples Caller Method Information Configuration File
Developing GUI Application Using WINFORMS Basic Controls Panel & Layouts Drawing and GDI Devices MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip and ContextMenuStrip Model and Modeless Dialog boxes Mutiple Document Interface( MDI) Form Inheritance Building Login Form Working with Resource Files and Setting Notify Icon Controls Using Components like Timer, FileSystemWatcher, Process, BackgroundWorker Drag and Drop Working with Advanced Controls like TreeView and ListView
Database Programming Using ADO.NET
Prerequisite - Knowledge of SQL Queries Introduction and Evolution of ADO.NET Understanding the Role of Managed Provider and ADO.NET Objects installing Required Software - Sql Server and Management studio Connecting to Database and Connection Pooling Performing Insert, Update and Delete Operations Fetching Data from database - Executing Select Statements How to implement Login facility with database Use of Multiple Active Result Sets Parameterized Prepared Statements Inserting Image into Database table Executing Stored Procedure Using Transaction Asynchronous Execution of Queries Writing Provider Independent Code Writing Common Code for Execution of Stored Procedures Quick Overview of all ADO.NET objects
Managing Data using DataSet Introduction DataSet and its Object Model Filling DataSet using DataAdapter Binding DataSet to DataGridView Updating changes to database using DataAdapter Using SqlCommandBuilder Managing DataTable Programmatically DataAdapter events Handling concurrency issue Working with DataViews Constraints in DataTable Using DataRelations object Creating DataSet/DataTable dynamically Working with Typed DataSet Summary and Important Classes and their properties and methods
N-Tier Layered Architecture Application
Understanding Tier and Layer Dividing Application into multiple layers Developing an application using Layered Architecture a. Creating Table and Stored Procedure b.Creating Data Class c.Creating DAL Class d.Creating BO Class e.Creating Form and handlingevents f.Creating Dialog Box for Add and Edit OPerations. XML Introduction Well Formed and Valid XML Document Structure of XML Document XML DOM Parser XPath Specification XML and DataSet XMLDataDocument for reading from DataSet XMLTextWriter & XMLTextReader XPathDocument & XPathNavigator
Windows Services Introduction to Windows Service Windows Service Project Template Developing Windows Services Installing, Deploying and Launching Windows Service Developing a Service Controller Application Handling Custom Commands in Windows Services
Delegates & Events Introduction to Delegates Creating a Chat Application Using Delegates Events Declaration, Raising and Handling Anonymous Methods
User Control and Custom Control
Threading Overview Scheduling Thread States Programming Threads Methods of Thread Class Thread Pool Thread Synchronization Monitor Mutex Semaphore Events Parallel Programming using Task Parallel Library Asynchronous Programming using async and wait keywords
Packaging and Deployment
File System Editor Registry Editor File Types Editor User Interface Editor Custom Actions Launch Condition Editor Creating Uninstall Shortcut
Debugging and Diagnostics What is Debugging? Build Configuration(Debug and Release) List of Debugging Windows Break Point Hit Count and Condition Debugging Exception What is Diagnostics? Debug and Trace Classes
Types of Listeners Boolean and Trace Switch

Windows Programming

Visual Basic

Introduction to Visual Basic
Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI), Programming Language (Procedural, Object Oriented, Event Driven), The Visual Basic Environment, How to use VB complier to compile / debug and run the programs.
Introduction to VB Controls
Textboxes, Frames, Check Boxes , Option Buttons, Images, Setting a Border & Styles, The Shape Control, The line Control, Working with multiple controls and their properties, Designing the User Interface, Keyboard access, tab controls, Default & Cancel property, Coding for controls.
Variables, Constants, and Calculations
Variables, Variables Public, Private, Static, Constants, Data Types, Naming rules/conventions, Constants, Named & intrinsic, Declaring variables, Scope of variables, Val Function, Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Data.
Decision & Conditions
If Statement, If ?then-else Statement, Comparing Strings, Compound Conditions(And, Or, Not), Nested If Statements, Case Structure ,Using If statements with Option Buttons & Check Boxes, Displaying Message in Message Box, Testing whether Input is valid or not.
Using Call Statement to call a procedure.
Menus, Sub-Procedures and Sub-functions
Defining / Creating and Modifying a Menu, Using common dialog box, Creating a new sub-procedure, Passing Variables to Procedures, Passing Argument ByVal or ByRef, Writing a Function Procedure,
Multiple Forms
Creating , adding, removing Forms in project, Hide, Show Method, Load, Unload Statement, Me Keyword, Referring to Objects on a Different Forms
List, Loops and Printing
List Boxes & Combo Boxes, Filling the List using Property window / AddItem Method, Clear Method, List box Properties, Removing an item from a list, List Box/ Combo Box, Do/Loops, For/Next Loops, Using MsgBox Function, Using String Function, Printing to printer using Print Method,
Arrays Single-Dimension Arrays, Initializing an Array using for Each, User-Defined Data Types, Accessing Information with User-Defined Data Types, Using List Boxes with Array, Two dimensional arrays.
Classes, Creating a new Class, Creating a new object using a class, choosing when to create New Objects, The Initialize & Terminate events.
Data Files
Opening and Closing Data Files, The Free File Function, Viewing the data in a file, Sequential File Organization (Writing Data to a sequential Disk File, Creating a sequential data file, Reading the Data in a sequential file, Finding the end of a Data file, Locating a file). Trapping Program Errors, The Err Object, Random Data File Opening a random file, Reading and writing a random file(Get, Put, LOF, Seek).
Accessing Database File
Creating the database files for use by Visual Basic (Using MS-Access), Using the Data Control ,setting its property, Using Data Control with forms,
navigating the database in code (the recordset object using the movenext, movepreviouse, movefirst & movelast methods), checking for BOF & EOF, using
listboxes & comboboxes as data bound controls, updating a database file (adding, deleting records) .
Advanced data handling
Displaying data in grids (grid control, properties of grid) , displaying the record no & record count, opening the database, validation & error trappings (locking text boxes, trap errors with On Error, file open errors), Recordset , searching for a specific record (findfirst, findnext, findlast, findprevious,) , seek method, working with database fields, creating a new dynaset.

Windows Programming Using C#.NET

Introduction to Windows Forms
Create a form and add controls to it.
Create an inherited form by using Visual Inheritance.
Organize controls on a form.
Create Multiple Document Interface (MDI) applications.
Using Data in Windows Forms Applications
Describe the objects in the ADO.NET object model.
Add and configure ADO.NET objects in a Windows Forms application.
Access and modify data from a database by using DataSets.
Describe the XML Web services model and the roles of HTML, SOAP, and XML in the XML Web services model.
Create and test a simple XML Web service client application.
Deploying Windows Forms Applications
Use strong-named assemblies in .NET applications.
Use application configuration files to configure and use Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0 to package and deploy .NET applications.
Securing Windows Forms Applications
Describe the .NET Framework security model.
Use code access security to secure an application.
Use role-based security to control access to an application.

Windows Programming Using VB.NET
1. Program design and implementation
2. Essential VB, variables, data types, commenting
3. Arithmetic operators and expressions
4. Decision Structures (ifs and select case)
5. Loops (while, for)
6. Loop applications (summation, counting)
7. Sub Procedures (val and ref parameters)
8. Functions (val and ref parmaters)
9. Strings
10. Arrays
11. Files
12. Databases.
Windows Programming Using Visual Studio
1. .NET Framework, Part 1
2. .NET Framework, Part 2
3. Memory Management and Garbage Collection
4. Threading
5. Reflection
6. Windows Presentation Foundation, Part 1
7. Windows Presentation Foundation, Part 2
8. Prism Composition Framework
9. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
10. Intro ASP.NET Web API for Restful Services
11. Azure Cloud Platform
12. .NET Native / .NET Core
13. .NET Universal Apps
14. Intro .NET Mobile Apps Using Xamarin
15. Why Software Sucks


Web Programming

Certificate Course in HTML
1. Dividing the document into 2 parts.  Headers tags ✔ Body tags ✔
2. Paragraphs
3. Formattings
4. Elements of an HTML Document
✔ Text Elements
✔ Tag Elements
5. Special Character elements
6. Image tags
7. HTML Table tags
8. Lists
✔ Numbered list
✔ Non-Numbered lists
✔ Definition lists
9. Anchor tag, Name tag etc.
10. Hyperlinks - FTP/HTTP/HTTPS
11. Links with images and buttons
12. Links to send email messages
13. Text fonts and styles
14. background colors/images
15. Marquee Behavior
16. Forms related tags (action, method,name,input,submit etc)
HTML Media Tags
1. Inserting audio files
2. Inserting video files
3. Screen control attributes
4. Media control attributes
5. HTML Object.
Certificate Course in Java Script

HTML : Basic Syntax. HTML Attributes. Images. Links. Creating Tables. HEAD Elements. Using Frames. Using Forms and Input elements. Introduction to CSS.
JavaScript : Introduction to JavaScript. Basic Syntax. Control Structures. Writing Functions. Working with Arrays. The Document Object Model. Events Handling.
Using Browser Objects. Object Oriented in JavaScript.
Introduction to AJAX : AJAX, RIA & WEB 2.0. The XMLHTTP Request Object. Using AJAX in Web Applications.

Certificate Course in ASP.NET Programming

Web Programming Introduction
Understanding role of Web Server and Web Browser. Brief about HTTP Protocol. HTTP Request structure. Form Tag and comparison between Get and Post methods. HTTP Response Structure
HTML and JavaScript
Understanding HTML Form Tag and elements within it. Javascript using Sample Programs.
Traditional ASP Basics Introduction to ASP. How ASP Works. ASP Objects. Installing IIs on Windows 7 & Windows 8. Sample Programs. Importance’s of Form tag and how it works.
ASP.NET Introduction & Controls
ASP.NET Introduction First ASP.NET Application. Auto Postback Property. Event Handler Parameters.
Dynamically intializing Controls IsPostBack property of Page class ListControls Comparison between HtmlControls and WebControls Control Properties and Methods FileUpload Control
ASP.NET Architecture
What is AppDomain? Life Cycle of ASP.NET Page How Control Manages its State What is EnableViewState How Control raises events Event handling in Web Forms Writing Custom Classes in WebApplication
CSS & Themes
Work with CSS Use Themes to Customize a Site Name Skins within a Theme Do server-side Styles using Themes Add contents of a Theme and Skin Apply themes and Profiles .
Redirecting User to Another Page
Redirecting Options
Response.Redirect Server.Transfer Cross Page Postback Determine how the pages was invoked Passing values between pages
Master Pages
Introduction to MasterPage ContentPlaceHolder and Content tags Accessing controls of MasterPage in ContentPage URL's in MasterPages UniqueID and ClientID
Working with User Control
Overview of User Controls Creating a User Control Adding Properties to User Control Adding Events to User Control Using User Control in Web Form Rendering Clients Scripts Using Page.ClientScript methods
Validation Controls

Base Validator Required Field Validator Compare Validator Range Validator Regular Expression Validator Custom Validator Causes Validation Property Grouping - Validation Group Property Page.Validators and Page.IsValid
ASP.NET State Management
Static Members View State Hidden Field in Form Query String HttpContext Cookies-HttpCookie Sessions-HttpSessionState Application-HttpApplicationState Summary of All Features
WebConfiguration File and Global.asax
Introduction to Configuration files Page setting in web.config Custom Errors URL Re-Writing
Tracing Using ConfigSource Attribute Using Location Section HttpApplication class-Global.asax  
Authentication & Authorization
What is Authentication and Authorization Types of Authentication Forms Authentication Role based Authentication Windows and Basic Authentication What is ASP.NET Impersonation Using location section in web.config
Application Service Providers
ASP.NET Providers Introduction Membership Providers Role Providers Writing Custom Providers Profile Providers Web Parts Personalization Providers
Data Bound Controls

Databinding traditional way SqlDataSource GridView DetailsView FormView DataList Repeater ListView DataPager
Web Caching
Why Caching Types of Caching i.Output Caching ii.Fragment Caching iii.Substitution Caching iv.Data Caching SQL Cache Invalidation
Globalization and Localization
Definitions Creating Resource files for different cultures Designing the WebForm & linking controls to keys in Resource files Alternatives to intialize culture settings of the page.

What is AJAX What is AJAX.NET Script Manager Update Panel Update Progress Timer AJAX Control Toolkit
What is Routing? Mapping Route to Phyiscal file Reading Route Parameters Route Expression Generate URL using Markup
Understanding & Publishing Web Application
Introduction to ASP.NET Web Application Advantages of IIS Applications Creating web application in IIS Converting File System application to IIS Application Using Virtual Directory Publishing ASP.NET Website Culture specific formatting 

Certificate Course in Designing using FrontPage
Starting WebPage Development with FrontPage
Formatting Text
Inserting Graphics in a Web With FrontPage
Some Basic Graphics with ImageReady
More About Web Layout: Lists and Tables
Publishing a Web Using FTP or FrontPage
Some Background on HTML
Creating Web Pages Using HTML
Finishing Your Personal Web
An Example Corporate Web
Looking Over the ACME Corporate Web
Developing a Corporate Web
Some Background on Developing a Corporate Web
Developing a Mission Statement Page
Developing the Index Page
Modifying the Feedback Page
Developing the Products Page
Developing Individual Product Pages
Developing the Services Page
Developing Individual Services Pages
Table of Contents
News and Current Events
Searching the Web
Finishing Your Corporate Web
Certificate Course in AJAX
Introduction to AngularJS MVC Architecture Conceptual Overview Setting up the Environment First Application Understanding ng attributes

Expressions and Data Biding
Number and String Expressions Object Binding and Expressions Working with Arrays Forgiving Behaviour Understanding Data binding
Working with Directives
Introduction Core Directives Conditional Directives Styles Directives Mouse and Keyboard Events Directives
Understanding Controllers Programming Controllers & $scope object Adding Behavior to a Scope Object Passing Parameters to the Methods Having Array as members in Controller Scope.
Nested Controllers and Scope Inheritance. Multiple Controllers and their scopes
Purpose of Filters Built-In Filters Uppercase and Lowercase Filters Currency and Number Formatting Filters OrderBy Filter Filter Filter Creating Custom Filter
Using Simple Form Working with Select and Options Input Validations Using CSS classes Form Events Custom Model update triggers Custom Validations
Why Module? Module Loading and Dependencies Recommended Setup of Application Creation vs Retrieval.
Understanding Services Developing Creating Services Using a Service Injecting Dependencies in a Service
Ajax in AngularJS
$http Service $q Service Ajax Impl using $http and $q Service
Introduction to SPA Creating HTML Templates Configuring Route Provider.

Computer Basics

Basic Training in MS Paint and WordPad

What is Paint Brush?
Starting Paint Brush application.
File menu in Paint Brush – New, Open, Save & Exit
Common tools in Paint Brush – Pencil, Brush, Spray, Eraser, Line, Square
Color palette in Paint Brush
Overview about Keyboard keys and their usage.
File menu in WordPad – New, Open, Save & Exit
Introduction about parts of WordPad window – Title bar, Menu bar, Tool bar, Status Bar etc.
Formatting the text. – Basic formatting like changing fonts, font size, alignment, Underline, Bold, Italic, Bulleting etc. Viewing tool bars – Adding & Removing tool bars to the WordPad window

Microsoft Word

MS-Word: Introduction to Ms-Office, Ms-Access, Ms Excel. Parts of window of word (Title bar, menu bar, status bar, ruler) , Creation of new documents, opening document ,insert a document into another document. Page setup, margins, gutters, font properties, A!ignment, page breaks, header footer deleting ,moving, replace, editing text in document. Saving a document, spell checker, printing a document. Creating a table, entering and editing, Text in tables. Changing format of table, height width of row or column. Editing, deleting Rows, columns in table. Borders, shading, Templates, wizards, Drawing objects, mail merge

Microsoft Excel

MS-Excel: Introduction to Worksheet/Spreads, Features of excel. Describe the excel Window, different functions on different data in excel, creation of graphs, editing it and formatting, changing chart type to 2d chart or 3d chart, creation of worksheet, adding, deleting, moving the text in worksheet, linking different sheets, sorting the data, querying the data, filtering the data (auto and advance filters), What-if analysis, printing a worksheet.

Microsoft PowerPoint

MS-Power Point: Introduction to Ms power point. Power point elements (templates wizard Views, color schemes ,Exploring power point menu (opening & closing menus, working With dialogues boxes), adding text, adding title, moving text area, resizing text Boxes, adding pictures. Starting a new slide, saving presentation, printing slides .Views (slide View slide sorter, notes view, outline view) .Formatting & enhancing text formatting, Choosing transitions. Creating a graph, displaying slide show, adding multimedia .Slide transitions. Timing slide display, adding movies & sounds. Using a pick look Wizards to change format.

Accounts and Softskills

Tally ERP 9.0

Introduction, Types of Accounts, Accounting Principles or concepts, Mode of Accounting, Rules of Accounting, Double entry system of book keeping
Introduction of Tally.ERP 9, History of tally, Versions of tally, Company Features, Configuration, Getting functions with Tally.ERP9, Creation / setting up of Company in Tally.ERP9
Chart of Groups, Groups, Multiple Groups, Ledgers, Multiple Ledgers
Stock Groups, Multiple Stock Groups, Stock Categories, Multiple Stock Categories, Units of Measure, Godowns, Stock Items
Introduction, Types of Vouchers, Chart of Vouchers, Accounting Vouchers, Inventory Vouchers, Invoicing
Bill wise details, Cost centers and Cost Categories, Multiple currencies, Interest calculations, Budget and controls, Scenario management, Bank Reconciliation
Order Processing, Recorder Levels, Batch-wise details, Bill of Materials, Batch-Wise Details, Different Actual and Billed Quantities, Price Lists, Zero Valued Entries, Additional cost details, POS.

Financial Statements, Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Accounts Books and Reports, Inventory Books and Reports, Exception Reports, Statutory Reports, Payroll Reports, Trail balance, Day Book, List of Accounts, Stock Summary
Goods and Service Tax

Front Office Desk Administration

Unit 1
1. The Exciting World of the Office Administrator
2. Business Basics
3. Interpersonal Relations
4. Office Procedures: Part 1, Front Office Skills
5. Office Procedures: Part 2, Project Management
6. Office Technology

Unit 2
1. Internet Basics
2. Record and File Management
3. Using Resources and References
4. Math for Office Professionals
5. Written Communication Skills: Part 1
6. Written Communication Skills: Part 2

Unit 3
1. Note-taking Techniques
2. Office Management
3. Legal and Ethical Issues for the Office Administrator
4. The Financial Side of Office Administration
5. Integrated Computer Applications
6. Database Management

Unit 4
1. Basic Word Processing
2. Business Correspondence: Forms and Formats
3. Basic Spreadsheet Fundamentals

Unit 5
1. About Professional Spreadsheets
2. About Professional Presentations
3. Pulling It All Together: Practicum
Additional Course Materials*
Payroll Processing Supplement
How to Read a Balance Sheet
How to Read an Operating Statement



Adobe Photoshop Flax Art & Designing

Photoshop A
1. Introduction to Graphics, Vector Graphics & Bitmaps 2. Understanding Image Size & resolution 3; Relation between resolution, File sizes & output 4. Using menu & Palettes. 5. Concept of Path ( Segment, Anchor, Curved, Closed, Open, Subpath)

Photoshop B
1. Photoshop Tools (Pen, Pencil, Brush, History, Air, Eraser, Rubber stamp,Smudge, Dodge, Burn, Sponge), Masks & Histogram. 2. Acquiring &. Importing Images, 3. Concept of Lyres Channels & Path, Filters, Rendering Effects, Transformation, Strokes, Image Modes, Canvas & Images. 4. Using navigator & PhotoShop plugins..
Coral Draw Advertisement Designing
Corel Draw A
1. Concepts of vector graphics. 2. Color palate, Pasteboard, &. Print Page
Corel Draw B
1. Using ruler unit's etc... 2. Corel Tools (Pick, Shape, Knife, Eraser, Zoom, Freehand, Natural Pen, Dimensions, Ellipse, Polygon etc.). 3. Transformations, Trimming, Wielding, Intersection of Objects, Snapping, Using Object Manager. 4. Giving effects, (Envelope, Adding Perspective, Contours, Blending Image.)

Project Training

Overview of the ASP.NET
Introduction of different Web Technology
What is Asp.Net
How Asp.Net Works
Use of visual studio
Different Languages used in Asp.Net.
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
.NET Framework Class Library.
Setting up and Installing ASP.NET
Installing Internet Information Server
Installation of Asp.Net
virtual directory
Application Setting in IIS.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Overview of SQL Server 2008
Installation of SQL Server 2008
Features of SQL Server Express
SQL Server 2008 Express management tools
Coding Standards
Overview of coding standards follows during programming
HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Basic of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Asp.Net Standard Controls
Displaying information
Label Controls
Literal Controls
Bulleted List
Accepting User Input
Textbox controls
RadioButton and RadioButtonList Controls
CheckBox and CheckBoxList Controls
Button controls
LinkButton Control
ImageButton Control
Using Hyperlink Control
Displaying Images
Image Control
Image Map Control
Using Panel Control
Using Hyperlink Control
Asp.Net Page & State Management
Overview of events in page
Asp.Net Validation Controls + Javascript Validation
Required Field Validator Control
Regular Expression Validator Control
Compare Field Validator Control
Range Validator Control
Validation Summary Control
Custom Validator Control
Designing Websites with master pages
Creating master pages
Creating default contents
Nesting master pages
Registering master pages in web configuration
Using the Rich Controls
Accepting File Uploads
Saving files to file system
Calendar Control
Displaying advertisements
Displaying Different Page view
Displaying a Tabbed Page View
Wizard Control
SQL Server Basic
Database Architecture
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Manipulation of Data (SQL Command)
Stored Procedure
Overview of Data Access
Creating database connections
Connecting to MSSQL Server and MS Access
DataSet & DataTable Features
Using inline SQL Statements
Using Stored Procedures
Executing select commands
Sql Transaction
Data Type and syntax Language Fundamentals
Object Oriented Programming concepts
Overview of Asp.Net inbuilt Classes and method
File Handling
Using the Grid View Control
Grid View Control fundamentals
Displaying Data
Using Data Keys
Sorting Data
Paging through Data
Using the Details View and Form View Controls
Using the Details View control
Displaying data with the DetailsView control
Using Fields with the DetailsView control
Displaying Empty data with the DetailsView control
Using Repeater and Data List Controls
Using Repeater Control
Displaying data with the Repeater Control
Displaying Data with the Data List Control
Using Navigation Controls
Understanding Site Maps
Using the Sitemap Path Control
Formatting the Sitemap Path Control
Using the Menu Control
Using Tree View Control
Working with XML and Web Services
Overview of XML
Creating /Reading/Deleting XML Files
Web Services
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
About Ajax
Setting up and implementing Ajax
FTP Management
Understanding FTP
Setting up FTP Server (Live)
Uploading and downloading FTP contents
Sending Emails
Designing email panel
How to send an email to various users
Sending auto emails
Deploying application on Web Server
Live Project
Getting customer’s requirements
Preparing database and business logics
Developing application
Testing and implementing the project
Troubleshooting the project application after implementation
Overview of the PHP
Introduction of different Web Technology
What is PHP
How PHP Works
Setting up and Installing PHP
Installing Apache http server
Installation of PHP
Introduction, History, Web Brower, Web Server, Xampp, Installation and Configuration files.
HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Basic of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP String
PHP Operators
PHP If...Else
PHP Switch
PHP Arrays
PHP While Loops
PHP For Loops
PHP Functions
PHP Forms
PHP Advanced
PHP Date
PHP Include
PHP File
PHP File Upload
PHP Cookies
PHP Sessions
PHP E-mail
PHP Secure E-mail
PHP Error
PHP Exception
PHP Filter
Overview of MY SQL
Installation of MY SQL
Introduction about Database, Data Types, DML, DDL, Aggregate functions, Data Time functions, Stored Procedure, Sub query and join
MySQL Introduction
MySQL Connect
MySQL Create
MySQL Insert
MySQL Select
MySQL Where
MySQL Order By
MySQL Update
MySQL Delete
Coding Standards
Overview of coding standards follows during programming
Javascript Validation
Required Field Validator Control
Regular Expression Validator Control
Compare Field Validator Control
Range Validator Control
Validation Summary Control
Custom Validator Control
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
About Ajax
Setting up and implementing Ajax
AJAX Intro
AJAX Database
AJAX Live Search
FTP Management
Understanding FTP
Setting up FTP Server (Live)
Uploading and downloading FTP contents
Sending Emails
Designing email panel
How to send an email to various users
Sending auto emails
Deployment Deploying application on Web Server
Live Project
Getting customer’s requirements
Preparing database and business logics
Developing application
Testing and implementing the project
Troubleshooting the project application after implementation
Android Development
Chapter 1: JAVA Concepts
OOPs Concepts
Inheritance in detail
Exception handling
Packages & interfaces
JVM & .jar file extension
Multi threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)
Chapter 2: SQL
DML & DDL Queries in brief
Chapter 3: Introduction to Android
What is Android?
Setting up development environment
Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension
Fundamentals: a. Basic Building blocks - Activities,Services,Broadcast Receivers & Content providers b. UI Components - Views & notifications c. Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters Android API levels (versions & version names)
Chapter 4: Application Structure (in detail)
uses-permission & uses-sdk
Resources &
Layouts & Drawable Resources
Activities and Activity lifecycle
First sample Application
Chapter 5: Emulator-Android Virtual Device
Launching emulator
Editing emulator settings
Emulator shortcuts
Logcat usage
Introduction tDDMS
Second App:- (switching between activities) ­ Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents
Chapter 6: Basic UI design
Form widgets
Text Fields
[dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px
Chapter 7: Preferences
Preferences from xml
Chapter 8: Menu
Option menu
Context menu
Sub menu
menu from xml
menu via code
Chapter 9: Intents (in detail)
Explicit Intents
Implicit intents
Chapter 10: UI design
Time and Date
Images and media
AlertDialogs & Toast
Chapter 11: Tabs and Tab Activity
Chapter 12: Styles & Themes
drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)
style attribute in layout file
Applying themes via code and manifest file
Chapter 13: Content Providers
SQLite Programming
Reading and updating Contacts
Reading bookmarks
Example : ­ Develop an App tdemonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented. Final details should be viewed in GridView as well as in ListView.
Chapter 14: Android Debug Bridge (adb) tool
Chapter 15: Linkify
Web URLs, Email address, text, map address, phone numbers
MatchFilter & TransformFilter
Chapter 16: Adapters and Widgtes
Adapters:- a. ArrayAdapters b. BaseAdapters
ListView and ListActivity
Custom listview
GridView using adapters
Gallery using adapters
Chapter 17: Notifications
Broadcast Receivers
Services and notifications
Chapter 18: Custom components
Custom Tabs
Custom animated popup panels
Other components
Chapter 19: Threads
Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
Worker thread
Handlers & Runnable
AsynTask (in detail)
Chapter 20: Advanced
Live Folders
Using sdcards
XML Parsing
JSON Parsing
Maps, GPS, Location based Services
Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS)
Network connectivity services

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